Tariff for our Holiday Cottage in Ingleton
Self-Catering Accommodation Prices
Week Bookings
£450.00 for a week April to October and Christmas / New Year week.
£400.00 November to March.
Short Break Bookings
£300.00 for 3 nights.
£80.00 a night for 4 nights or more.
How to Make a Booking
Please call or email Lizzie@Paulsfoldcottageingleton.co.uk to discuss your requirements and dates – When emailing please provide your full name and the dates (nights) your enquiry relates to in your email subject title.
Deposit payable on booking and balance payable on collection of keys, either cash or cheque made payable to: Mrs L Williams and sent to the below address:
Pauls Fold
North Yorkshire
Via Carnforth